September 2009

Get your Groupon!

Get your Groupon!

While killing time on facebook recently, I came across one of those little ads on the right-hand side of the page-you know, the advertisements that are geared toward any interest that advertisers have found through some high-tech method of scavenging your email or fb page.

The ad was for “Groupon“, a new, and, in my opinion, briliant way of drumming-up business in an otherwise shit ecomony.  The premise is that if you are interested in the daily deal (delevered to your inbox), you can sign-up, and if enough people are interested, everybody wins.

For example, yesterday, my first day of being a “groupie”, the deal was for $40 worth of food for $20 at Feast, a Decatur restaurant that we enjoy. They needed 120 people to sign up, and by 11:am, had about 200. So I got the coupon (again delevered to my inbox).

The beauty of this is (more…)

While HK and I were in Vancouver this summer, we took the ferry over to Vancouver Island, then drove our car to the far west of the island, to Tofino.  We had a 3-day weekend, since HK’s company had given it’s employees an extra day for the 4th of July holiday. 

view from our patio in Tofino

view from our patio in Tofino

Of course, Canadians don’t celebrate the American Independence Day, but we had just celebrated Canada Day in Vancouver on July 1st, so we were getting 2 holidays in one week. How lucky was that ??  It got better.  As we relaxed on our lounge chairs, watching (more…)

photo by Bertha Henderson Swango

photo by Bertha Henderson Swango

Ahhh–Labor Day is behind us, and even tho summer isn’t officially over until late September, most people consider Labor Day to be the segway into the Fall season.   After all, football has begun, pools are closing, the days are getting shorter, and many of us have packed-away our white sandals until next Memorial Day. (or Easter, depending on how far south you live.)

Reunions seem to be a big thing over the Labor Day holiday.  Harlan High School–the school that I attended during the  majority of my formidable years (grades 2-10), had it’s 100 year anniversary reunion last weekend. I did not attend, but have thoroughly enjoyed examining the photos that have been posted on facebook. 

In the last year, I have become a facebook addict, and in the course of that time, have re-connected with several people that I knew from those 30-44 some years past.  You see, (more…)

baked, stuffed artichoke

baked, stuffed artichoke

I love artichokes.  Always have.  When I was a kid, I thought they were called “heart and chokes” because they had a heart (my favorite part) and that hair that could choke you. It wasn’t until I went away to school that I learned that they were actually Artichokes. (Did you know the plant is actually a thistle?) The only way I ever prepare them is by boiling them and dipping the leaves and heart in mayo. It’s what I learned.
Last week, while visiting my friend Denise, I walked into her kitchen to the most delightful aroma–garlic, olive oil, parmesan cheese….you know, that itallian cooking smell.  OMG–my mouth was watering. “Please, stay for dinner”, she encouraged me. It was her daughter Nicole’s 17th birthday and, being Itallian, (and Nicole a vegetarian), they were cooking up a feast for a small gathering. Stuffed artichokes, eggplant parmesan, home baked bread, an awsome dessert.  Nicole and her sister, Veronica, call  me “Auntie Jules”, and even tho we are not related by blood and only see each other half-a-dozen times a year, we share a special bond. Our get togethers typically (more…)