April 2010

Hey, peeps-

Results of Boobquake???

Well, Boobquake has officially started, and I’ll be damned if there wasn’t a pretty-good sized earthquake in Taiwan.  See Earthquake in Taiwan.  Having hyped-up Boobquake as a way to band together and dispell that ridiculous myth that immodestly dressed women caused natural disasters, namely earthquakes, Facebook has nearly 200,000 “supporters” for Boobquake.

So what does Mother Nature do? she goes and disses her girls!  Well, either that, or there are so many men in Asia whacking -off at all the boobies showing, that there was a mass eruption, and, well, you know the rest!

I don’t know about you, but I’m going to hurry and put on my Burqa!  NOT!!!!

What’s your take on all this?

Post-earthquake attire

OK, so by now i’m sure you’ve heard about this Iranian cleric’s theory that  dressing immodestly causes natural disasters. To be specific, I quote…”many women who do not dress modestly … lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes.

So a fellow blogger took this a step further and declared that on Monday, April 26, women around the world should wear revealing tops, let  some of that wonderful cleavage see the light of day and put this guy’s theory to the test.  It’s called “Boobquake”, and at this writing, there are about 100,000 confirmed guests on facebook.   Well bust my britches, honey, count me IN!!!!! Yes, in the name of science, I, too, will sport my tiniest top for the entire day, giving mother nature the opportunity to prove or dispel the “boobies cause earthquakes” theory.

So come on out and show your tits, I mean, support!! Will you join me? Let’s all take a picture and send it to facebook ! Who knows, maybe Boobquake will become a national holiday?? i haven’t heard any men protesting it (yet).

It’s official—Spring is here!  Yeah, I know, the weather here in Georgia has been beautiful for a couple of weeks now, all the spring flower are blooming, and the pollen has spread a thick coat of florescent yellow powder over everything. But you wanna know how i really know it’s Spring? The Great Blue Herons have returned to nest on “Heron Island”.

Every year, right about the middle of April, HK and I take the boat out of hibernation on Lake Lanier in the North Georgia mountains.  The first stop on our agenda is a tiny little island about the size of a 7-11 store, that is covered in scrubby, tall pine trees. Keeping a respectable distance, we cut  the engine.   We look,  we listen, and we wait.

Suddenly, we catch sight of a long, narrow figure lifting above the tops of the tree canopy. Shaped like a graceful question-mark, it is the head and neck of a Great Blue Heron, peering out of it’s twiggy nest.  We both fall completely silent. Straining to listen, we hear harsh croak of the mighty birds. It always seems like once we’ve heard that first call, the chorus begins with gusto. Klack Klack Klack…This tiny little speck of land surrounded by vast amounts of open water suddenly comes to life, it seems to be moving on it’s own with the activity of the colony preparing their nests for the upcoming birth of their babies.

During the day, we often find ourselves watching them from the distance for hours as they come and go, delivering sticks, leaves and whatever other materials they need to build their impressive nests.

During the evenings, after sunset,  it is a real treat to quietly motor towards the island and listen to their banter while gazing at the stars above. If we close our eyes, it’s easy to imagine ourselves in a different world, a different time, light-years away from the metropolis that we call home.

The herons return every year. And every year, it is a thrill to welcome them back.  That’s how we know it’s really Spring.

Happy 51st B-day to ME!

This weekend I celebrated another birthday. It wasn’t a milestone birthday, like a 40th 0r 50th, but the way I look at it, anything over 50 is a milestone to me.

There was a point in my life, say between 14 and mid 20’s, that I didn’t really consider the possibilities of celebrating an age that advanced. In my teens, 50 seemed ancient!  Of course, at that time, most of the 50  y.o. women that I knew had grey hair and were on the matronly side. (with the exception of my mother, who had bright blonde hair, deeply tanned-skin and spent the majority of her time on the golf course.)  they had lived hard lives (remember, I am from rural Appalachia).  Many were stay-at-home Moms and even grandmothers who tuned-in to their “stories” faithfully every day and had dinner on the table by 6. They doted on their families, putting their own needs on the low-priority rung of the ladder. Living life seemed to be over for them. I just never saw that as my future.

Me, 17 years old

Today, I can say in all honesty, that the great majority of my peers are a far cry from those women. Today’s 50 year old woman likely has a career. She has a college education, possibly an advanced degree, and is perfectly capable of supporting herself. Many of my peers have made the personal decision not to have children. They stay in shape and are concerned about their health. The old adge “50 is the new 40” is true, really it is.

But for me, turning 50 last year impacted me more than just keeping that youthful feeling.  After climbing that mountain to get where I was headed, both figuratively and physically, I now look back on the past year and see some of the meaningful ways my life has changed. I’ve opened myself up to new experiences involving past history, mainly through facebook, as well as letting go of obstacles that held me back (i.e, unresolved resentments, allowing myself to forgive, and accepting that “it is what it is”.)

Facing my fears

In climbing these mountains and crossing these streams, I am finding that the road ahead actually looks manageable.  There will always be detours, I have no doubt,  and I know when the terrain gets too steep, I’m going to need a hand up, and will welcome the help.  Now I see a new frontier ahead, one that looks inviting, challenging, and most of all, welcoming.

I hope that this year brings you new frontiers, as well!