OK, so by now i’m sure you’ve heard about this Iranian cleric’s theory that  dressing immodestly causes natural disasters. To be specific, I quote…”many women who do not dress modestly … lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes.

So a fellow blogger took this a step further and declared that on Monday, April 26, women around the world should wear revealing tops, let  some of that wonderful cleavage see the light of day and put this guy’s theory to the test.  It’s called “Boobquake”, and at this writing, there are about 100,000 confirmed guests on facebook.   Well bust my britches, honey, count me IN!!!!! Yes, in the name of science, I, too, will sport my tiniest top for the entire day, giving mother nature the opportunity to prove or dispel the “boobies cause earthquakes” theory.

So come on out and show your tits, I mean, support!! Will you join me? Let’s all take a picture and send it to facebook ! Who knows, maybe Boobquake will become a national holiday?? i haven’t heard any men protesting it (yet).