Crazy, man!

This weekend, HK and I went to the (close eyes, deep breath, shoulders down, un-clench jaw) mall.  God, it was painful, but had to do it. There was something specific that a certain unnamed someone wanted, so we got up early to beat the crowds.  Yeah, right.  As you may or may not know, going to the mall makes me crazy, and I always swear I’m not going back. But, inevitably, I do go back for some reason, and regret it all over again.

OK, so here’s the kicker. The little something-something that I bought ended-up being the wrong thing, so now I’m gonna have to go back and exchange it.  Shit!

What am I getting at, besides bitching about mall-hell? Just this.  With the holidays upon us, the economy sucking wind, and free-time at an all-time low, let’s consider other options.  Like what?  Well, for example, giving the gift of life, by making a donation to a charity.  Last year about this time I posted a blog with a great list of charitable contributions   that you can give in someone’s name.  Please take a look at the link and come back. I’ll be right here when you get back.

My favorite charity is Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, but I also now like World Vision a lot.  You can donate as much or as little as you like. Examples at World Vision include a family fishing kit for an impoverished family for $40.  Add to that 2 baby chickens for $65 total. for food/harvest your own eggs?  Feed the hungry.  I likeee!  How about spending $50.00 to stock a school in Africa with $700 worth of supplies?? Anywhere from $35-$250 will help free the lives of sexually exploited girls.  Get my drift?

Or how about going a little more local and purchasing a craft or something from someone in your hometown or at a local farmers market?  If you live in Atlanta, check out the gift baskets at Peak of Perfection, a one-woman show who makes relishes, condiments, pie fillings, etc from 100% local produce? (check out her facebook page at Peak of Perfection.)   How about helping out a group of Bhutanese refugees who have been resettled to Atlanta? They make unique baskets out of kudzu vines  (click for the link) !!   BetsyGoddess has gorgeous and very sensual hand-made leather items and jewelry. (i got one of my favorite bracelets from her.)  Want to get rebates on your online purchases? Check out Mo Brock’s site.   Or simply make a donation to your local animal rescue.  

Peak of Perfection basket

Of course, something from your own kitchen is always a lovely treat. Better yet, share a meal with someone you care about. Let them know how you feel about them. Because what it really all boils down to is LOVE, and isn’t that the best gift of all?